Welcome to Ancaster Hall JCR website at the University of Nottingham!








Week One







Welcome to the Ancaster Hall JCR Homepage, at the University of Nottingham! This website contains all the important information and latest news about the University of Nottingham's supreme hall of residence, ANCASTER HALL!!! Use the navigation panel to search through the website and obtain which bits of info you need – or just have a browse – whatever takes your fancy!

VISIT THE ANCASTER FORUM: http://groups.msn/ancasterhall

If you have any questions which are not answered here, please feel free to contact us via the contact page. Have a look around the site to see what Ancy is all about! Student life at Ancaster is friendly, lively and vibrant. It is a unique hall of residence where you can meet new people and develop your talents; a place where you can live, work and…play!


Meet your President!

To all new Freshers,


Welcome to Ancy! My name is James Simpson and I am the President of the Ancaster Hall JCR Committee 2005-2006.


Ancaster is one of the 12 catered halls on University Park campus. It is located in the West entrance, which allows you to have easy access to Beeston, a local town with numerous shops, bars and restaurants that students elsewhere on campus never get to experience. Being less than two secs walk from the Sports Centre, there is NO excuse! As Ancy is at the bottom of the hill, it takes about 10/15 mins walk to get to the middle of campus (where the Portland Building and library is) – of course, depending how fast you walk. Being in a catered hall means you will come in to contact with a far greater number of people than you would do in self-catered accommodation. With everyone having meals together, and able to use the same JCR facilities you will get to know all similar minded people to yourself very quickly!


Almost everyone you will speak to who was in Ancaster last year will tell you they had a fantastic time. This year really promises to be a lot better!


I and the rest of the new JCR Committee have been planning already for the year ahead. We promise there will be better parties than last year, more events and activities put on during the year, as well as a fantastic Summer Ball, BBQ and “Hall Holiday” after the exams in the summer term! This year we have entered sports teams for the inter-mural sports competitions in Rugby, Football, Hockey and Netball. With new sponsored kits for both the Football and Rugby teams! There will also be a huge sports persons social at the end of the year, to no doubt celebrate Ancaster sweeping the board in all competitions!


Outside of the JCR, other groups of Old Ancastrians will be returning to hall, to ensure your fresher experience is the best possible!


Upon arrival, your lovely Week One Reps – Joel, Chris (do not mention Champions League Final!), Caiomhe and Maryann will be there to take you to a variety of Club Nights, Hall Parties (including our very own “Bling Bling” Party on the Wednesday night!), Bar crawls and events in the day such as the “Freshers Fayre”, Bowling, Salsa Dancing and the Big Day of Fun. This year we also have our own night in the Ancy bar on Saturday, proceeding the Week One Party on the Sunday which promises to be the best ever with a number of big acts and performers already signed up! By the end of the week you will no doubt have contracted “Fresher´s Flu” at least once, developed a greater alchohol dependency, made loads of new mates, and created some great memories…others to which you will spend the whole of your fresher year trying to forget! I can promise you now you will never ever forget your first week of Uni!!!


For the first term, “Karni” will form a huge part of the Hall’s social calender. One can not overstate how brilliant our Karni reps have been so far! Ancaster is currently Number 1 in the Karni League, and we will need the help of all our new freshers to ensure we stay there. The events put on, including Rag Raids, 7 legged pub crawls, Speed Dating, Stars in Their Eyes, Mr and Miss Ancaster, the trip to Edinburgh, the wonderful Snowflake Ball, and the “Booze Cruise” (2nd week of Uni, buy your tickets asap! It will be quality!) were the highlights of last year. To view the Ancaster Karni website, click here.


As you can see, your first year at Nottingham Uni presents you with many brilliant opportunities to have an amazing time. I am running out of superlatives here, so all I can say is, get involved in as much as you can and make sure you have no regrets! When your course actually starts to matter in 2nd year you will not have the time to fit the same amount in!


Enjoy the rest of the summer, and I look forward to meeting you in Week One! ANCASTER LA LA LA!!!!





*      Preparing for Fresher's Week 2005 - with A-Levels out, the University of Nottingham is gearing up for an awesome Week One. You may have just found out you are living at Ancaster next year - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Not only do Ancy residents really know how to party; Ancy Hall is known for its chilled out atmosphere and brilliant community spirit. Take a look around the website to get a glimpse into what will be one of the best years of your life!

Remember to save your energy for the incredible BLING BLING party - have a look at the promotional material for Ancaster’s Week One Party last year


Bling Bling Poster

*     NEW WEBSITE!!!

At last, Sash has finally got her act together with the Ancy Website and here it is…all yours for you to enjoy! I will be updating it as much as poss – keep looking here for all latest news etc. I’m gonna try and get a few more photos up next week, including the hall and ball photos from last year. Sorry for the wait – hope it was worth it!

CHECK THIS OUT…We need to hear your comments and you guys need a place to communicate and ask questions so QUICK! go to http://groups.msn.com/ancasterhall

*     Ancaster Hall Photo 2004-5 – to come…





*     Ancaster Ball Photo 2004-5 – to come…