Richard Upward
School of Economics

I am a Professor of Labour Economics in the School of Economics at Nottingham University, and a Research Fellow in the Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy. My research interests are primarily in applied labour economics and applied microeconometrics. This page describes my recent work and has links to recent papers. A recent CV can be found here.

Worker displacement and adjustment

Don't look down: the consequences of job loss in a flexible labour market
with Peter Wright
Economica (2019)

Stata code to create the panel of displaced workers and to estimate the costs of displacement is available on request. Please email

Off the waterfront: the long-run impact of technological change on dock workers
with Zouheir El-Sahli
British Journal of Industrial Relations (2017)

The income losses of displaced workers
with Alex Hijzen and Peter Wright
Journal of Human Resources (2010)

Estimating the wage costs of inter- and intra-sectoral adjustment
with Michelle Haynes and Peter Wright
Review of World Economics (2002)

Sectoral Transformation and Labour Market Flows
with David Greenaway and Peter Wright
Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2000)

Smooth and sticky adjustment: a comparative analysis of the US and UK
with Michelle Haynes and Peter Wright
Review of International Economics (2000)

Search and Matching in the Labour Market

Social comparisons in job search: experimental evidence
CeDEx Discussion Paper 2017-10
with Jingcheng Fu and Martin Sefton

Meeting and matching: New evidence on marketplace search in the labour market (slides only)
with Martyn Andrews and Jingcheng Fu

Estimating the stock-flow matching model
with Martyn Andrews, Steve Bradley and Dave Stott.
Journal of the European Economic Association (2013)

Successful employer search? An empirical analysis of vacancy duration using micro data
with Martyn Andrews, Steve Bradley and Dave Stott.
Economica (2008)

Estimating the probability of a match using micro-econometric data for the youth labour market
with Martyn Andrews and Steve Bradley
Labour Economics (2001)

Linked employer-employee data

High wage workers match with high wage firms: clear evidence of the effects of limited mobility bias
with Martyn Andrews, Len Gill and Thorsten Schank.
Economics Letters (2012)

High wage workers and low wage firms: negative assortative matching or limited mobility bias?
with Martyn Andrews, Len Gill and Thorsten Schank.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (2008)

Practical Estimation Methods for Linked Employer-employee data
with Martyn Andrews, Thorsten Schank
The Stata Journal (2006)

Stata code and data to estimate models in above paper: [download do-file] [download data] and Stata code to calculate a grouping indicator for linked employer-employee data: [download ado-file] [download help-file]

Firm-level adjustment of employment

Job and worker turnover in German establishments
with Lutz Bellmann and Hans-Dieter Gerner.
Manchester School (2018)

Employee turnover and the expansion and contraction of employers
with Mario Bossler.
in Research Handbook of Employee Turnover (2016)

More hours, more jobs? The employment effects of longer working hours
with Martyn Andrews, Dieter Gerner and Thorsten Schank
Oxford Economic Papers (2015).

Employment adjustment in German firms: more flexible than we thought? (in German)
with Lutz Bellmann and Hans-Dieter Gerner.
Journal of Labour Market Research (2013)

Job Creation, Job Destruction and the Role of Small Firms: Firm-Level evidence for the UK
with Alex Hijzen and Peter Wright
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2010)

Globalisation and labour markets

Quantity Restrictions and Price Adjustment of Chinese Textile Exports to the U.S.
with Daniel Bernhofen and Zheng Wang
The World Economy (2018)

Do foreign workers reduce trade barriers? Microeconomic evidence
with Martyn Andrews and Thorsten Schank
The World Economy (2017)

Quota restrictions and intra-firm reallocations: evidence from Chinese exports to the United States
with Zheng Wang
Economics Letters (2016)

Migration and Imperfect Labor Markets: Theory and Cross-country Evidence from Denmark, Germany and the UK
with Herbert Brücker, Andreas Hauptmann and Elke Jahn.
European Economic Review (2014).

Weighing China's export basket: the domestic content and technology intensity of Chinese exports
with Zheng Wang and Jinghai Zheng
Journal of Comparative Economics (2013)

Foreign-owned firms around the world:
a comparative analysis of wages and employment at the micro-level

with Alex Hijzen (OECD) Pedro Martins (Queen Mary) and Thorsten Schank (Mainz).
European Economic Review (2013).

Employment, Job Turnover and Trade in Services: Firm-Level Evidence
with Alex Hijzen, Mauro Pisu and Peter Wright.
Canadian Journal of Economics (2011).

Foreign owned plants and job security
with Martyn Andrews, Lutz Bellmann and Thorsten Schank
Review of World Economics (2011).

The takeover and selection effects of foreign ownership in Germany:
an analysis using linked worker-firm data

with Martyn Andrews, Lutz Bellmann and Thorsten Schank
Review of World Economics (2009).

The effects of training in the youth labour market

Estimating youth training wage differentials during and after training
with Martyn Andrews and Steve Bradley
Oxford Economic Papers (1999)

Evaluating outcomes from the Youth Training Scheme using matched firm-trainee data
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2002)

Trade Unions

The estimation of union wage differentials for Britain and the impact of methodological choices
with Martyn Andrews, Mark Stewart and Joanna Swaffield
Labour Economics (1998)

Union coverage differentials: some estimates for Britain using the New Earnings Survey Panel Dataset
with Martyn Andrews and David Bell
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1998)

Other papers

Endogenous participation in imperfect labor and capital markets
with Spiros Bougheas
Economics Bulletin (2013)
Errata: Corrected version of Figure 1

The impact of financial participation on workers' compensation
with Martyn Andrews, Lutz Bellmann and Thorsten Schank
Journal of Labour Market Research (2010)

Is it easier to escape from low pay in urban areas? Evidence from the UK
with Euan Phimister and Ioannis Theodossiou
Environment and Planning A (2006)

Current and Past PhD students

David Contreras Gomez
Teacher evaluations and student outcomes.

Martina Magli
Effects of services offshoring on local labour markets.

Zhangfeng Jin
Rural-urban migration and labour market networks in China.

Jingcheng Fu
Empirical and experimental evidence on the microfoundations of matching.

Rachel Slaymaker
Migration and international trade.

Zovanga Kone
The labour market effects of migration in the UK.

Susan Kavuma
Returns to education in Uganda.

Smaranda Pantea
Globalisation and productivity in transition economies: firm-level evidence.

Robert Riegler
The fragmentation and integration of UK firms.

Zheng Wang
Wage and productivity responses to increased trade openness in China.

Chris Parsons
Patterns of global migration 1960-2000.

Last updated: February 2019