2012 Session

Programme: Session outlines - session location details - timetable

Student participants 2012

Session convenors- contact information

Student choices 2012

Research seminar programmes of participating institutions (Nottingham, Loughborough, Leicester)


Coming up

Wednesday 28 November 2012



Room RG3 Bramley Building

School of Animal,

Rural and Environmental Sciences

Nottingham Trent University


NG25 0QF

Convenor: Jill Labadz

Contact: jillian.labadz@ntu.ac.uk


Past events

Wednesday 21 November 2012: An introduction to multivariate analysis: finding patterns in your data by ordination;   The publishing process and getting published in the Earth sciences

Wednesday 07 November 2012: Spatial Analysis in Biogeography

Thursday 1 November 2012: Contaminated land & geotechnical description of soils

Wednesday 31st October 2012: Environmental Magnetism and Gamma emitting Radionuclides

Wednesday 24th October 2012 : Introduction to the use of Matlab

17 October 2012: Introductory session

Students got a chance to meet each other, sign up for training sessions and talk about their past skills and training.

2012 introductory event

2011 presentation day

14 December 2011: Postgraduate presentations

University of Leicester

Abstract booklet and link to presentations

19 October 2011: Introductory session

Past skills and training of the 2011 cohort .


Consortium 2009 members at the introductory event

Presentation day (2008)


Having a drink after the introductory session (2007)


Laminated sediments workshop (2006)

Students on the stream course (2006)


Consortium members at the introductory session in Nottingham (25 Oct 2006)

Feedback and Assessement
Course Assessement
Presentation Assessement


Online information resources for research in physical geography (Adam Gardner, 1 Mb PPT)

Resource Guide for Geography and the Environment (PDF)

The Midlands Consortium for Graduate Training in Physical Geography

Graduate research students of Physical Geography often study in a very small research cluster with their techniques constrained by the equipment existing at their particular institution and the specific knowledge of their supervisor.  These training sessions are intended to address this imbalance by providing broader knowledge of available techniques and allowing contacts between students and supervisors at different institutions.  The course is designed to be complementary to the BSG's Windsor research design course.

The training sessions are not intended to provide a series of 'recipes'.  Instead, they are designed to introduce the essence of the technique along with advice about when to use it, what its problems are and how to interpret the results.  Further information will be provided in the handouts accompanying each session.  For more detailed information about a particular technique, you should liaise with the session convenors.

The sessions are open to newly registered MRes/MPhil/PhD students, but not to taught MSc students.  Part-time students may attend in either their first or second year of registration.

Training sessions take place on Wednesday afternoons.  With the exception of the introduction and conclusion courses which are compulsory, the remaining courses are optional.  Either one or two courses are offered in series each week at the different institutions, and you must do a minimum of 5 optional courses (making a total of 7 sessions attended). You are welcome to attend more sessions if you wish, though please inform the relevant instructor that you intend to be there.  Attendance at the sessions will be accredited in accordance with your institution's individual policies.

The sessions outlined on these pages include a short list of introductory reading material.  These key articles are designed to provide you with some grasp of the issues involved in each of the sessions, before arriving, so that you can make the most of the time available with the tutors.  The success of the sessions will depend to some extent on prior reading so please make an effort to access the appropriate literature.

Please address all comments, questions, suggestions about the training programme and website in the first instance to:

Dr Suzanne McGowan

School of Geography, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD
Tel:0115 9515451
Fax: 0115 9515249
E-mail: suzanne.mcgowan@nottingham.ac.uk