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About the School

Located within a leading research university, the School of Geography is research-led, using this to underpin and inform our teaching programme. We believe that our research enables us to introduce students to the latest developments within Geography and its related disciplines. The School was ranked 6th in the UK in terms of research power in the latest research assessment exercise (RAE 2008), with 60% of our research recognised as being internationally excellent or world leading. It has also been rated very highly by the Higher Education Funding Council for England for its teaching provision. The current Head of School is Professor Sarah Metcalfe.

The School encourages engagement between all its staff and students in a friendly atmosphere. Should you come to Nottingham as an undergraduate, you will be assigned a member of staff as a Personal Tutor. They will stay with you throughout your degree programme and offer general guidance about academic progress, as well as personal support. In addition to the School’s academic activities, there is a Geographical Society which runs a range of events, including the all important staff-student football match!