Kerr Lab, Nottingham,

ABC Transporter Research


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The Kerr lab is interested in membrane transport events, i.e how a cell membrane can become selectively permeable to certain molecules. The proteins that effect these events are remarkable. For instance, they can use different sources of energy to drive the transport - be it from hydrolysis of ATP, or through the co-transport of a molecule that is shuttled down a concentration gradient. Additionally, some of these proteins display exquisite selectivity for a single transport substrate, whilst other are capable of transporting a seemingly endless array of chemicals.


These proteins are involved in drug resistance in cancer and in bacteria and are so include some incredibly important proteins from the perspective of drug discovery.

If you want to know more about our research then click on the Research tab above, or delve around the other pages to see who we are, and what we get up to.


Interested in joining us? See the opportunities page. Here we are all in the lab:




 L to R. Deb, James, Ian, Joe, Hannan and Ella.



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March 2021. New bioinformatics paper on a structural motif responsible for ABCG family functional divergence.


February 2021. New paper with Beth Coyle’s group on the role of TWIST1 and ABCB1 in medulloblastoma migration.


January 2021. New paper with Tony Bishopp’s group on regulation of plant cytokinin signalling


January 2021. New article with Sue-Mien Then and colleagues at UoNM on interaction of ABCG2 with vitamin E derivatives


December 2020 new review with Ingrid Gelissen and Shereen Aleidi about the interaction of lipids with ABCG proteins.


November 2020 New review with Karl Kuchler, Erik Lee and Thomas Stockner on picky and promiscuous ABCG family proteins.


November 2020. New paper with Beth Coyle on hydrogel models of medulloblastoma


November 2020. New review with Beth Coyle on the unexplored role of YBX1 in childrens brain tumours


April 2020. New paper with Richard Callaghan on combining multiple techniques to interrogate ABCB1 structure and dynamics


February 2020. New paper on using FCS to measure ABCG2:drug interaction


January 2020. New paper on the constant contact interface in ABCG2.


August 2019 new paper with Beth Coyle on the role of ABCB1 in ependymoma.