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Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Microbiology Links

  • Society for General Microbiology
    An extensive list of links to microbiology resources including professional societies, publications, and online materials.
  • American Society for Microbiology
    The American Society for Microbiology is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world.
  • Antibiotics 
    Information about this class of drugs by Yahoo!
  • Bugs in the News
    Headlines made by the microbial world. Also includes the excellent, "What the heck..?" series of questions and answers about general areas of microbiology, virology and immunology.
  • CELLS Alive!
    Check out this site for unique images of microorganisms that make you sick, and the blood cells that do battle to keep you well.
  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
    Very useful for recent statistics on various diseases.
  • The Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology
    This project uses computers and network technologies to help students and teachers learn about microbial ecology, and to help make educational resources concerning microbes readily available. The web site includes a virtual field trip through a microbial zoo, "microbe of the week", and stories from the popular press related to microbiology and microbial ecology.
  • A Dose of Pox
    An interactive tutorial that steps you through the discovery and ultimate eradication of smallpox using a series of questions. At each step, information and images are provided to help broaden ones appreciation of this scientific feat!
  • The Emerging Infections Information Network (EIINet)
    The direct line to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other sources of what is happening in infectious disease.
  • Foodsafety
    FDA website concerning food safety. Includes the popular Bad Bug Book
  • Life in Extreme Environments
    Microbes form the basis of all ecosystems on the planet, including some of the most seemingly inhospitable.
  • Medical Microbiology Textbook This website contains the entire Medical Microbiology textbook by Baron. The textbook includes all the images and figures in the printed form of the text. A wonderful resource for those teaching a medically related microbiology section in their biology courses.
  • Medical Mycology
    Information and images about fungi that can cause disease.
  • Microbes in the News
    Wondering which microbes are making news these days...from the heroic...to ancient...to dangerous...and strange? Links to reports from a variety of sources are available at this site housed at Michigan State University.
  • The Microbiology Video Library
    Computer graphic animations of microbiological phenomena such as bacteria swimming, phagocytosis and the way penicillin kills cells can be found at this site. Also included are quicktime videos that can be used in the classroom to demonstrate aseptic techniques...such as the proper way streak an agar plate to obtain isolated colonies of bacteria.
  • The Microbe Zoo
    Covers many aspects of the unseen world.
  • Microbial Underground
    Huge site on all aspects of microbiology, with lots of useful links.
  • Soil Biological Communities: You probably never realized so many things could live in dirt.

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