Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY AENICTINAE, Genus Aenictus - Aenictus fuscovarius Gerstäcker

Aenictus fuscovarius Gerstäcker

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Mozambique (Aenictus fuscovarius n. sp., Gerstäcker, 1859: 262) - no images on Antweb (at June 2014)
laetior (Aenictus fuscovarius Gerst. var. laevior n. var., Forel, 1910c: 249, male) from Ethiopia - see
magrettii (Aenictus Magrettii, Emery, 1892d: 569, illustrated, male; written after the description in Emery, 1892d: 569, illustrated; subspecies status by Emery, 1895j: 747) from Sudan, Errer-es-Saghir, Dr Magretti - see below
sagittarius (Aenictus fuscovarius Gerst., st. sagittarius nov., Santschi, 1938a: 30, illustrated, male) from Egypt, Dakhla Oasis - see; males only described (see Bolton, 1995) distribution.

From Senegal, as magrettii, from Gorée Island, by H. Brauns (in Wheeler, 1922) - this seeems likely to be an erroneous location.

Gerstäcker's (1859) description is at {original description}; and Santschi (1924b) gave a brief description and illustration of the male genitalia, this is at {original description}. Emery (1892d) gave a brief description and illustration of the male genitalia of magrettii, this is at {original description}. Santschi's (1938a) description and illustration of sagittarius is at {original description}.

Egypt records - Type form - Gebel Elba (Sharat list). Santschi (1938a) sagittarius from Dakhla Oasis, 3 males, collector Stoney,, and, Doit, 1 male, collector Adair, 16.iii.1917. Gebel Elba, Ismailia, Port Fouad, Belbis, El-Manzala (Sharaf list).

{Aenictus fuscovarius magrettii}The photomontage of the type worker of magrettii is collated from

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