Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY FORMICINAE - Genus Cataglyphis - Cataglyphis abyssinicus (Forel)

Cataglyphis abyssinicus (Forel)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Ethiopia (Myrmecocystus viaticus r. abyssinicus, Forel, 1904b: 362, worker & queen; raised to species Collingwood, 1985: 206) - see below.

Forel's (1904b) description is at {original description}. Santschi (1929b: 52) gave an illustrated description, as Cataglyphis (Cataglyphis) bicolor F. st. abyssinica (Forel) - {original description}.

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus}Forel gave the workers as TL 7.0-9.5 mm. The fresh Sudan examples have a TL range of ca 8-12.5 mm.

Wheeler (1922: 944) gave the locations as - type location, Ingfal, Ethiopia, by Kachovskij; also from Schoa, western Ethiopia, by Alfred Ilg. Santschi (1929b) was sent the type specimen by Forel, so his illustration is likely to be a good one; he also listed other Ethiopia specimens from Obok, collector Maindron, and, unknown location, collector Dr A Reichensperger.

Agosti (1990a: 1468) has it as the sole member of the bicolor-group abyssinicus-complex.

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus}The photomontage (right) of a cotype worker is collated from
This, from the fresh workers, shown below is a minima worker.

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus major}Major

The photomontages here and below are of workers from Sudan, Nyala; South Darfour, West Sudan; collector Zuheir Mahmoud/Awatif Omer, 2009-02.

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus media}Media

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus minor}Minima

{Cataglyphis abyssinicus}The photomontage is of a worker from Senegal, Doyene-KS; collector Lamine Diamé (68).

©2006, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
