Contents References The Ants of Egypt
Cataglyphis holgerseni Collingwood & Agosti

Cataglyphis holgerseni Collingwood & Agosti

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Egypt (Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 379; not illustrated, worker); worker only known; by inference, the illustration of "niger" in Collingwood (1985) seems actually to be of holgerseni.

Collector Holger Holgersen, from Sinai, near Eilat, 23.xii.1978, holotype & paratype workers; also known from Saudi Arabia & Oman.

Collingwood & Agosti's (1996) description is at {original description}.

Collingwood & Agosti described it as similar to savignyi but although both have a high propodeum that is smoothly rounded in holgerseni, with the dorsum and declivity meeting at a rounded right angle.

{Cataglyphis holgerseni}The photomontage of a worker from the type collection is collated from

{Cataglyphis holgerseni}The photomontage of a worker from the type collection is collated from

{Cataglyphis holgerseni}Photomontage of workers collected in Egypt and photographed by Mostafa Sharaf

{Cataglyphis holgerseni}The photomontage is of a worker from Jordan, Rum Village; A Lenoir 150b

{Cataglyphis holgerseni}The photomontage is of a second worker from Jordan, Rum Village; A Lenoir 150b

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