Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
Tapinolepis (Mesanoplolepis) mediterranea (Mayr)

Subgenus Mesanoplolepis

Tapinolepis (Mesanoplolepis) mediterranea (Mayr)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type locality Egypt (Plagiolepis (Anoplolepis) mediterranea, Mayr, 1866a: 493, worker; in Anoplolepis, Emery, 1925b: 17; in Tapinolepis by Bolton, 2003: 267) location not given, collector R v. Frauenfeld - see below

Worker only described.

Mayr's (1866a) description is at {original description}.

Egypt record - collected by R v Frauenfeld and in cabinet at Vienna Museum; no site recorded and none on the type label. Georg Ritter von Frauenfeld participated in the round the world Novara expedition of 1857-59 but that went nowhere near Egypt or Sudan.

{Tapinolepis mediterranea}The photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Tapinolepis mediterranea majorThe photomontage is of a major worker from Sudan, collected by J Mathews, by pyrethrum fogging of Acacia senegal; Kordofan, El Ain near El Obeid, ca 12°56' N 30°35' E, 23.x.2000, 4 plus 30 plus unmounted; also JM 092, 25.x.2000, 3 plus several unmounted.

Two samples from Khordonia, Damazine Plantation, Blue Nile, 11°51' N 34°15' E, 2 trees in semi-natural forest, JM 279, 1.vii.2001; JM 289, 1 worker (same day.

Tapinolepis mediterranea minorThe photomontage is of a minor worker from Sudan, Abu Gmein, Blue Nile, collector J Mathews (JM 072).

Tapinolepis mediterranea minorThe photomontage is of a worker from Sudan, Abu Gmein, Blue Nile, collector J Mathews (JM 092).

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