Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel)

The subgenus Parholcomyrmex was defined by Emery (1915i: 190), type species Monomorium gracillima (as Myrmica gracillima, now junior synonym of Monomorium destructor) - see {original description}. The main characteristics Emery listed were - slightly dimorphic workers; funiculus with a three-segmented club (Monomorium santschii with four segmented-club, type location Tunisia), the first two segments equi-sized.

Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location India (Monomorium gracillimum Smith v.Mayri n. var., Forel, 1902c: 209; Wheeler, 1923b: 3, male, reported without description) - see below
junior synonym karawajewi (Monomorium destructor r gracillimum var karawajewi, Forel, 1913d: 437) from Sudan, Khartoum, Karavaiev - see below

{Monomorium mayri}Forel's (1902c) description is at {original description}. Forel's (1913d) description of karawajewi is at {original description}. Santschi (1936a) gave an illustrated description of karawajewi, this is at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1987) is at {original description}

WORKER - TL 1.5-1.8 mm; diagnosis as in key; colour dark-brown; otherwise similar to Trichomyrmex destructor (in Bolton, 1987: 326, illustrated, alitrunk profile).

{Trichomyrmex mayri}

Nigeria specimen (Monomorium species A (F998), Taylor, 1980a: 31). WORKER. TL 2.18 mm, HL 0.53, HW 0.47, SL 0.39, PW 0.26

Colour brown, gaster darker, unsculptured, shiny. Appendages yellow. Erect hairs moderately long but relatively sparse. Has a minute triangular subpetiolar tooth. SI = 83.

The illustrated specimen was labelled "from cocoa" at CRIN (B. Bolton). I did not find this variant at CRIN and only saw the single sized specimen which is illustrated.

Trichomyrmex mayriThe photomontage of the holotype worker from India is collated from

Trichomyrmex mayriThe photomontage of the karawajewi type worker is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Trichomyrmex mayri
B Taylor det.
M Sharaf

31°21' N
30°56' E
Kafr Sheik

Trichomyrmex mayri
B Taylor det.
M Sharaf

Shrinkash Mansurah
31°10' N
31°35' E


{Trichomyrmex mayri}The photomontage is of a worker from Egypt, Taifa, Kafr Sheik, E 31°21' N 30°56'; 27.viii.2003, collector Mostafa Sharaf.

{Trichomyrmex mayri}

The photomontage is of a worker collected in Sudan, Port Sudan ; collector Zuheir Mahmoud (Sudan 55).

{Trichomyrmex mayri}

The photomontage is of a minor worker collected in Sudan, Old Halfa City; collector Awatif Omer (2012 42)

©2005, 2006, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
