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Extragalactic Workshop

"Galaxy Interactions and Mergers"

July 4-5, 2007; Nottingham, England


Scientific Background

Extragalactic Workshop:2004
Extragalactic Workshop:2003
Extragalactic Workshop:2002
Extragalactic Workshop:2001
Extragalactic Workshop:2000



May 24 2007
Second announcement with talks sent out

April 4th 2007
First announcement sent out

Scientific Background

Galaxy interactions and mergers are potentially the dominate method by which galaxies and central massive black holes form in the universe. This hierarchical structure formation for galaxies is furthermore one of the central pillars of the Lambda-Cold Dark Matter Model. Despite the importance of interactions and mergers, we are just beginning to observationally measure these properties. A workshop on this fast developing subject is therefore warranted. Some questions we will address include: what role do mergers play in the formation of galaxies, both in theory and in observations? What techniques are the best for tracing mergers and interactions? What is the relative role of 'dry' vs. 'wet' mergers in forming massive galaxies? What is the role of galaxy interactions as opposed to mergers in triggering star formation? What do galaxy simulations and theory predict for the merger history, and how do these agree with the available data?

The aim of this workshop is to bring together observations, theory and simulations to address the role of galaxy interactions and mergers in the galaxy formation process. The Extragalactic Workshops typically involve ~50 participants, and this year will be held in the School of Physics & Astronomy at Nottingham University. The format will be similar to previous workshops in the series, with a mixture of 15 and 30 minute talks, leaving plenty of time for discussion.

Organising committee


Travel to Nottingham: 

A map of the University Park campus is shown on the University webpage, along with general directions on how to get to the University. The workshop will be held in the School of Physics & Astronomy, building 22 on the map.

Overnight Arrangements: A limited number of rooms have been reserved for the night of July 4th in a student hall of residence, at a cost of £35 for B&B. These will be allocated to attendees on a first come, first served basis. For those who prefer to make their own arrangements, a list of local hotels and guest houses is available. 

Registration: Registration will take place on the morning of July 4th. The basic workshop fee will be £60 per participant (£90 with accomodation). This will cover two lunches, plus a meal  at a local restaurant on the Wednesday evening. Payment can be made by cash or cheque (but unfortunately not credit card) on arrival.

If you wish to attend, please click here, paste the form into your mail client, and mail to

Projection Facilities: We will have the usual overhead projector and facilities for projecting Powerpoint presentations. As ever with Powerpoint you probably should have a back-up in the event of an incompatibility between our system and yours.