NANOCAGE: Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Manipulation of Caged Atoms

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Overview Vacancies and contacts Presentations and Publications Meetings

Welcome to the website of the NANOCAGE Marie Curie Early Stage Training Network, funded by the European Commission's Framework Programme 6 (FP6). This early stage training (EST) project comprises four hosts with internationally leading expertise in complementary areas of nanoscale science and technology, viz: the Nanoscience Group, University of Nottingham; Forschungszentrum Juelich; the National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), Cork, Ireland; and Queen Mary, University of London. Click on the 'Overview', 'Vacancies and Contacts', and 'Presentations and Publications' links above for detailed information.

If you are considering pursuing a PhD in the exciting cross-disciplinary field of nanometre scale science and feel that you would like to learn more about the NANOCAGE project or apply for a PhD position within the network, don't hesitate to contact the network coordinator ( for further information. I look forward to hearing from you!

Congratulations to Anna Strozecka, Juelich for winning a prize at the recent UK Summer School in Surface Science for her poster on fullerene spectroscopy and imaging.


©2004 Philip Moriarty, School of Physics & Astronomy,
University of Nottingham