University of Nottingham
School of Physics & Astronomy
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Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Dr M R Swift

My research interests lie in the broad area of statistical physics and
some of my recent contributions are summarised below.

Driven Dissipative Systems: Granular media are ubiquitous in nature and exhibit a wealth of intriguing physical properties, ranging from the structural stability of sand piles to pattern formation in vibrated granular layers. The key features that distinguish the dynamical behaviour of granular systems from those of simple liquids and gases are that thermal fluctuations are unimportant at the granular scale, and inter-particle collisions dissipate energy. We investigated the steady state properties of a randomly excited dissipative gas, being a simple model for driven granular media[1]. We have shown that the steady state is critical and exhibits long-range spatial correlations. The exponents are found to be universal and can be calculated from a single particle model which is amenable to exact analysis. We have also demonstrated the existence of a novel, ergodicity breaking transition exhibited by dissipative Brownian particles[2]. This
behaviour shows non-trivial scaling properties[3] and provides a mechanism for ordering in a range of driven dissipative systems.

Lattice Boltzmann Hydrodynamics: We developed a scheme for simulating hydrodynamics and phase separation in a non-ideal fluid using lattice Boltzmann techniques[4]. The method relates properties of the equilibrium pressure tensor of the inhomogeneous fluid to the collision operator in the Boltzmann model and eliminates many of the problems common to earlier numerical work in this field. We extended these ideas to the case of a binary fluid mixture and demonstrated that the two schemes are in different dynamical universality classes[5]. We also investigated the effects of hydrodynamics on spinodal decomposition, making a direct comparison between liquid-vapour and binary-fluid systems[6]. The simulation method has now been extended to describe the dynamics of complex fluid mixtures and polymer solutions.

Interfaces and Fractality: We studied the spectral properties of interfaces in random Ising ferromagnets for a range of distribution functions characterising the bond disorder. As the width of the distribution increases, the interface crosses over from a self affine to a fractal object[7]. The measured fractal dimension indicates the existence of a new universality class in strongly disordered systems. Furthermore, we have shown that fractal interfaces arise in Ising systems undergoing spinodal decomposition in the presence of weak disorder[8], and that non-equilibrium states give rise to a new universality class for percolation transitions[9]. Our findings suggest that fractal structures observed in nature need not be related to equilibrium properties of the system.

Dr M R Swift


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