21/12/07 README file for STAGES lensing maps contact: Catherine Heymans // heymans [at] roe.ac.uk 1. INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGES (Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey) is a large area (~0.5x0.5 degree) survey of the Abell 901(a,b)/902 multiple-cluster system at z=0.165. The multiwavelength survey incorporates 17-band optical photometry from the COMBO-17 survey, including photometric redshifts and SED classifications. This README documents the STAGES weak lensing data available as part of the STAGES public data release here: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/astronomy/stages/astro_data.html A description of the lensing analysis is contained in: C. Heymans et al: "The dark matter environment of the Abell 901/902 supercluster: a weak lensing analysis of the HST STAGES survey" MNRAS, 2008, 385, 1431 For further details of the STAGES survey construction, data reduction, and catalogue creation see: M. Gray et al. "STAGES: The Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey" MNRAS, 2008 (accepted) To download the associated STAGES master catalogue (including SExtractor and GALFIT parameters; COMBO-17 photometry, photometric redshifts and stellar masses; and UV and 24 micron derived star formation rates) or additional multiwavelength data, visit the STAGES homepage: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/astronomy/stages/astro_data.html 2. MASS RECONSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- These files contain the maximum likelihood mass reconstructions of the A901/2 STAGES supercluster as detailed in Heymans et al 2008. The fits files are 256x256 pixels with a physical pixel scale of 7.6 arcseconds.The maps have been smoothed on a 6 pixel, or ~0.75 arcmin scale. They all contain WCS header information for matching with observations. The files are as follows: STAGES_DMmap.fits : kappa map (E-mode) STAGES_Bmode.fits : systematics map (B-mode) STAGES_noise.fits : random noise map STAGES_mask.fits : input mask (0 = masked, 1=good, but I don't trust any pixel within a radius of 10 pixels of this mask) STAGES_SN_DMmap.fits : Signal-to-noise kappa map, as presented in the paper STAGES_SN_Bmode.fits : Signal-to-noise B-mode map, as presented in the paper Luminosity/Light maps smoothed on the same scale are available on request (heymans@roe.ac.uk). To get a mass estimate from a given area in the kappa maps Mass(area) = sum(kappa(area)) * Sigma_crit * pixel_area / Msun where for A901/2 at z=0.165, Sigma_crit * pixel_area / Msun = 1.11212 h^{-1} 10^{12} Msun (Equation 4 in Heymans et al 2008). This mass is the projected surface mass density. You can assume that it is all associated with the cluster at z=0.165 to an accuracy of ~5% in the cases of A901a,b and the SW group. For A902, there is up to 15% contamination from CBI. To calculate errors on the mass, we use a conservative method combining the systematics errors (B-mode) in quadrature with the random noise such that Mass Error(area) = sqrt[sum(B-mode(area))**2 + sum(noise(area))**2]* Sigma_crit * pixel_area / Msun Any questions or comments to heymans@roe.ac.uk ------------------------------ end