Cancer Research Nottingham

Our Mission

Cancer remains one of the most serious health issues in the UK, currently affecting one in three of us during our lifetimes. 

Our strong focus on research has delivered important advances in the treatment and detection of cancers, such as:

  • the brain tumour drug Temozolomide
  • the Nottingham Prognostic Index (used worldwide in breast tumour pathology)
  • the use of autoantibodies for early detection of lung and breast tumours. 

The University of Nottingham is also home to the administrative centre of the European Association of Cancer Research (EACR).


Our current research portfolio covers many aspects of the translational spectrum, ranging from:

  • molecular cancer research
  • cancer biomarkers and early detection
  • in vivo models and tumour imaging
  • target/drug discovery
  • preclinical studies
  • population studies

We are committed to undertaking multidisciplinary research programs to understand the molecular basis of cancer to develop better diagnostics and therapies for improved patient care, and to nurture the next generation of cancer researchers and clinicians.

Our aim is to achieve these goals through strong links with academic institutions, cancer charities, industry, funding bodies and the wider community.