Cynthia Marsh Chekhoviana Montage 2

Emeritus Professor Cynthia Marsh

My interest in theatre continues. I am finishing a book on translated Russian theatre on the British stage. It covers the period 1945-2015.  As I write (August 2016) I am working on a translation of Chekhov's Ivanov, utilising all the insights and information the research for the book has given me. I shall be directing it in Nottingham (Lace Market Theatre) in summer 2017 as well.  This is not my first translation and I hope it won't be the last. Translating provides much exercise for the brain, especially those parts that daily life no longer reaches!

Since retiring I have been involved in two other large and enjoyable projects.   I led the research for a website for the University's collection of Soviet war posters, first exhibited in 2008-9.  Launched in March 2013, the website can be accessed at I have also used the University's collections of theatre programmes in MSS and Special Collections for a public exhibition, Chekhoviana (January 2014).The purpose was to explore how Chekhov is visually interpreted in his British stage versions.

I intend to continue with Chekhov and have begun some new research on The Cherry Orchard. My aim is to explore its early 20th century cultural connotations. I also write articles for theatre programmes, give talks and write book reviews.