Belgrade combo 3

The Ribnikar Flat at Resavska

Above: In April 2000, David Norris and Vladislava Ribnikar organised a trip to Belgrade, the first visit since the bombing of the city in 1999. Vladislava’s mother’s flat at Resavska 32, in the centre of Belgrade, has been the scene for many parties over the years.
Back row (left to right): David Norris, Vladislava Ribnikar, Peter Cartwright, Abigail Tovarloza.
Front row: Tom Archer, Victoria Davies, Stephen Cartwright, Nicola Jones, James Cook.

Below: A gathering of third-year students  spending a semester in Belgrade at Vladislava’s family flat on Resavska 32 in Spring 2008.
Front row (left to right): Laura Wolfs, Kate Holberton, Natasha Thomas, Vladislava Ribnikar.
Back: Ben Jacklin, David Norris