School of Computer Science

Generating Impact on Transport Industry through Big Data Analytics


ASAP group members along with ADAC analysts were invited to hand out the prizes in the Driver of the Year Awards Ceremony, held at the biggest Transport Conference in the UK, organised by Microlise. The awards were launched in 2015 to honour the most talented HGV drivers in 2014 across the UK. The competition was designed to encourage improvements in industry regarding both safe and economic driving.  ASAP and ADAC supported the competition by providing the data analysis and the design of the methodology employed to shortlist the best drivers in the UK.

Initial data for the awards was gathered from over 90,000 drivers engaging with Microlise's telematics solutions. Between them, these drivers covered in excess of 600 million miles and made 5.5 million separate journeys.  The University of Nottingham’s ASAP and ADAC analysed the data, generating an initial shortlist of fifteen drivers in each of the three categories – short, medium and long distance drivers. The data was analysed anonymously to identify the best criteria to establish the top performing drivers. ASAP and ADAC were able to bring a range of data analytics knowledge and expertise together to come up with objective and scientific strategies to help Microlise identify the winner of the award.

This was the first successful outcome of the VEDAT (Value Enhancement for Data from Assets & Transactions) project, funded by the Innovate UK Technology Strategy Board.

Posted on Friday 22nd May 2015

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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