The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI hosts China Seminar given by Fudan University Professors


Fudan University’s Professor Li Zhiqing and Professor Fan Lizhu gave inspiring talks to Nottingham staff and students on 13 November as part of the China Seminar Series organised by the Nottingham Confucius Institute. Professor Li, an economist, gave a talk entitled “The Green Development of China’s Economy” and Professor Fan, a sociologist, spoke about “How Urbanization Changes China's religious landscape”.

“China is experiencing serious environmental problem after 30 years of rapid economic growth, which means China has to transfer to green models of development in the near future”, said Professor Li. He discussed factors behind the environmental problems of the past three decades, the connection between environment and economy in China, and proposed likely solutions on how to achieve new balances between the environmental and non-environmental sectors.

Professor Fan’s talk focused on the likely impact of China’s urbanisation on the nation’s religious landscape. Given government plans to see nearly 70% of the Chinese population living in urban areas by 2035, “a large and unprecedented flow of population would not only generate new economic and demographic dynamics, but also have massive impact on modes of religious development,” said the Professor. Religious group and belief connections would also play an important part in helping migrants settle down and start new lives in the cities, she added.

The two seminars lasted an hour each and were attended by approximately 30 Nottingham University students and staff. The event was well received with many interesting questions raised and discussed regarding China’s environmental problems and freedom of religion beliefs.




文/周睿  图/陈茜 

      当地时间11月13日下午,诺丁汉大学孔子学院举办了两场由复旦大学教授主讲的“中国系列讲座”,分别是由经济学院李志青教授带来的“中国经济的绿色选择”和社会学系范丽珠教授的 “城市化如何改变中国的宗教景观”。讲座由诺丁汉孔院中方院长孟金蓉主持,吸引了许多师生参加。


      而范丽珠教授的演讲则主要探讨中国城市化如何广泛转变宗教景观。根据中国政府的计划,到2035年,将近70%的人口将生活在城市地区。过去30年来,城市化进程高速推进,推动了大规模的人口流动。范教授提出了以下观点:首先,前所未有的大规模人口流动不仅产生了新的经济和人口动态,而且对宗教发展模式也有很大的影响;其次,宗教团体和信仰的关系成为帮助移民安居乐业的功能性因素,开启了城市新生活; 最后,新的宗教运动现正通过城市化发展自己的特色。



Posted on Friday 24th November 2017

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