The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI Holds Symposium on Aiding CI Teacher Integration Into the British Education System & HSK Exams

15 October 2016

On 15th and 16th October, UK local time, NCI held a symposium on aiding Confucius Institute Teacher Integration into the British Education System and HSK Exams at Jubilee Campus, The University of Nottingham. The symposium was also supported by Hanban (The Office of Chinese Language Council International).

On the first day of the seminar, our honoured guest speakers (who include Nicola McLelland, Dean of The Language Centre at The University of Nottingham; Professor Gao Xin from the College of Education at The University of Nottingham, and Mr Karsten Stephan, Vice-President of Nottingham Alderman White School) focused on English language education, developing the teaching of Chinese as a second language, and analysing Primary and Secondary Education in the United Kingdom; We were also very honoured to receive the British Baroness Kohorn that day, who delivered a workshop on traditional rituals and culture, and cross-cultural communication.
The main focus of the second day was the promotion of HSK exams. Our guest speakers were joined by Professor Jiang Liping from Beijing Language and Culture University, and together shared their opinions and experiences surrounding both HSK textbooks and the promotion of HSK exams. This created rounds upon rounds of lively discussion between both the participants and speakers.
The aim of this event was to help Confucius Institute teachers and volunteers gain a better understanding of British culture and the UK education system, which will enable them to both settle here and teach Mandarin Chinese to native English speakers more effectively. Current trends in the Chinese language proficiency test system and syllabus, along with strategies to make teaching and testing mutually beneficial, will also be explored and discussed in future seminars led by experts in this field.


  研讨会分两天进行,首日主要聚焦英国孔子学院教师本土融入,邀请到诺丁汉大学语言、文化及区域研究学院院长Nicola McLelland、教育学院高欣教授、诺丁汉Alderman White School副校长Karsten Stephan分别就和英国的语言教育现状与发展、汉语作为二语的英国学习者分析以及英国中小学的教育问题进行介绍和研讨;同时,很荣幸邀请到Kohorn男爵夫人讲解英国传统礼仪及文化,主讲内容涉及语言教学、跨文化交际以及宏观教育背景等各个层次。次日主要聚焦汉语考试与教学结合研讨会,邀请到北京语言大学姜丽萍教授、汉考国际代表李亚男经理、黄蕾副经理以及寰语学院董事长郑丽杰老师分别就汉语考试实施现状、考试大纲解读、HSK标准教程应用、考教结合及国际汉语教师资格考试等问题进行主题讲座以及分组座谈,使与会者对HSK、YCT、BCT的实施情况有宏观概念,并在以后推广考试工作中更加有的放矢;HSK标准教程解读不仅仅立足于通过考试,而是以提高汉语综合能力为终极目标,这也紧扣了以考促教、以教促考的目标;国际汉语教师资格考试对以后想从事汉教工作的从业者们提供了更加清晰的努力方向,将会吸引更多本土教师或者其他人士的兴趣。 


Posted on Friday 21st October 2016

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