Mathematics Education

International Directory


The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in France.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to: It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.

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Artigue, Michèle,, Equipe DIDIREM; case 7018; Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot; 2 place Jussieu; 75251 Paris Cedex 05; France; Tel: (33) 1 44 27 53 83; Fax: (33) 1 44 27 56 08

Balacheff, Nicholas,, Laboratoire Leibniz - Institut IMAG; 46 Avenue Félix Viallet; 38031 GRENOBLE Cedex 9; France; Tel : +33 (0)4 76 57 50 67; Fax : +33 (0)4 76 57 50;;

Comiti, Claude,, Equipe de Didactique des Mathématiques; Laboratoire Leibniz (bureau C216); 46 Avenue Felix Viallet; 38031 Grenoble Cedex 01; France; Tel: (33) 76 57 48 76; Fa : (33) 76 57 46 02;

Desigaux, Martine,, Mathematiques; College Jules Flandrin; 66 avenue du Gresivaudan; 38700 Corenc; FRANCE; Tel : (33) 76 90 64 90 (work); Fax: (33) 76 41 09 57; Home: (33) 76 40 29 14

Drouhard, Jean-Philippe,, IUFM de Nice; 89 av George-V; 06046 NICE Cedex 1; FRANCE; Tel: +33 93 53 75 23; Fax: +33 93 53 75 03

Dupuis, Claire,, Institut de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des mathematiques; 10 rue du General Zimmer; F-67 084 STRASBOURG CEDEX; FRANCE; Tel 33 88 41 63 13; Fax 33 88 41 64 49

Jarraud, Pierre,, Université Pierre et Marie Curie; Mathématiques Case 172; 4 Place Jussieu ; 75252 Paris CEDEX 05; FRANCE; Tel: +33 (1)4427 5449; Fax: +33 (1)4427 5335

Parzysz, Bernard,, Dept de mathematiques; Universite de Metz; Ile du Saulcy; 57045 Metz Cedex 1; France