University of Nottingham

Competition open for nine EPSRC - Industrial CASE studentships
The Electronics, Sensors, Photonics KTN (ESP KTN) is pleased to announce it has received an allocation of nine Industrial CASE studentships for 2011 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). We now invite applications for these industry-sponsored PhD studentships. These will be awarded to companies via a competition based on project proposals submitted to the ESP KTN. More information on CASE studentships and details of how to apply for this competition.  

New 'Grant for Research and Development' funding scheme available in April 
On 4 April 2011 the Technology Strategy Board is launching a new £20m Grant for R&D scheme to provide funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in R&D projects in the strategically important areas of science, engineering and technology. Three types of grant are available: Proof of Market, Proof of Concept and Development of Prototype. Independent experts will assess applications and funding for successful proposals will be awarded on a first come first served basis. 

Dr Robert Angus,
Technology Translator, Sensors and Instrumentation Knowledge Centre, ESP KTN 
Tel:  020 8943 7110


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