University of Nottingham

Two new internship schemes available from the Centre for Career Development of the University of Nottingham to help you progress on a project or area of work during 2011.

1. Summer Internship Scheme

2. Graduate Internship Scheme

Following the successful Talent Builder Internship Scheme which successfully placed over 300 graduates the Centre for Career Development is now managing two internship schemes which are the flexible, cost effective way to provide assistance to your organisation. These opportunities have been created to help you access the knowledge and skills of our bright students and graduates. The successful candidates will work for you on projects which will impact directly on on your strategy or projects, be completed within a short time frame and offer some learning or training prospects.

The Summer Internship Scheme is aimed primarily at students who can undertake an internship during their summer vacation whilst the Graduate Internship Scheme ensures that you can take on an intern at anytime, as there are graduates available to work with you now.

Contact The Centre's internship team today to find out more by calling Vicky or Becky on 0115 846 7173 or visit the website


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