Conventional Electrophysiology - Software sites:

Strathclyde Electrophysiology Software - WinWCP: patch-clamp recording/analysis (Dr John Dempster)

LTP (Long-Term Potentiation)  - winLTP: LTP recording software (Dr Bill Anderson, University of Bristol -

J Neurosci Methods 108 (2001) 71-83)

Patch-Clamp Analysis - software (Prof. David Colquhoun, University College London)

Synaptosoft - patch-clamp software

 StimFit  - free software for viewing/analysing electrophysiological data

 DataView - free or inexpensive versions of software for viewing/analysing electrophysiological data

(Dr. W. J. Heitler, University of St Andrews, Scotland)

 J-Clamp  - whole-cell voltage clamp data acquisition program

 Brain slice software -

  Neuromatic -


 Electrophysiology & Optical Imaging - Software sites:

Strathclyde Electrophysiology SoftwareWinFluor : fluorescence microscopy combined with patch-clamp recording (Dr John Dempster)

Conventional Electrophysiology – Equipment sites:

Axon Instruments Inc - electrophysiological amplifiers, laboratory interface & software

Digitimer Ltd -  electrophysiological amplifiers, laboratory interface & software

WPI - electrophysiological amplifiers, laboratory interface & software

Pico Technology - digital oscilloscopes & data loggers

Clinical Neurophysiology & Neurosurgery - Hardware/Software sites:

Axon Instruments Inc - electrophysiological amplifiers, laboratory interface & software

Alpha-Omega - multi-channel laboratory interface & software

Brain Vision - EEG recording (MRI compatible) & software