1 From: "r.l.henshall"
Organization: University Of Manchester,UK
To: ovary-science@nottingham.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 14:56:14 GMT
Subject: Activin search!

Dear Ovary-science group,
I am currently in the third year of my PhD looking at the roles of
inhibin and activin and related proteins in ovarian cancer. I am
using an in vitro model of ovarian cancer cell lines which I have
been treating with activin.
After quite a few teething problems I have managed to get some
results but I have now ran out of activin!
I was wondering whether anybody knew where I could get hold of
some activin or if they had any to spare!

If I could find another source of activin I would be really greatful
as time is running out!!
Thankyou very much in advance!

Rhonda Henshall.
E.mail: R.L.Henshall@stud.man.ac.uk
G.38 Stopford Building,
University of Manchester,
Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PT.
Tel: 0161 275 5446 /5727.
Fax: 0161 275 5600


Dear Ovary-science group,
I am currently in thw%D!Z7e d ZMe? dH :4Z \0gpiND\Z3F"jH4 F "jDmZ FDZ?FB%D!Z7e d ZMe? dH :4Z \0gpiND\Z3F"jH4 F "jDmZ FDZ?FB Albertus Extra Bolde
results but I have now ran out of activin!
I was wondering whether anybody knew where I coul