
From:             Paul Fowler []
Subject:          Human Reproduction 13, 2561-2563, 1998, Wu et al
Date sent:        Mon, 21 Sep 1998 12:47:33 +0000

In this paper the authors find preantral follicles in hFF aspirated for 
the purposes of IVF. We have some trouble working out how immature 
follicles end up in the aspirates taken from large mature IFV cycle 
follicles, unless suction is maintained throughout the procedure rather 
than simply when the aspiration needle is located in the antrum of the 
mature follicle.

Unfortunately the micrograph of preantral follicles in the sediment of 
aspirated hFF is rather poor. I have spent an hour looking at hFF 
(aspirated as part of IVF treatment this morning) sedimented in the 
same way as in this paperwithout being sure I can see any preantral 

Comments? Has anybody else had a look?
Dr Paul Fowler, Non-Clinical Lecturer
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB25 2ZD

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