Project: Life

This survey follows on from the research findings of Project: LIFE and is conducted by researchers from the University of Nottingham, School of the Built Environment. The data will be represented in a PhD thesis and the conclusions will be available to all within the house building industry.

Every response that we receive will be given equal treatment and you should encourage other members of your household to complete the survey as well.

This survey is confidential and there will be no follow-up correspondence from us, so we thank you in advance for taking the few minutes required to fill this out.

Project: Life Questionnaire
1) How Old Are You?
  Under 18 18-34 35-49 50-64 65 or over

2) What type of home do you live in?
  Flat Terrace Bungalow Detached Semi Detached

3) What year was your house built in?
  Pre 1900 1900-29 1930-49 1950-65 1966-76
  1977-81 1982-90 1991-95 1996-2006 Don't Know

4) For how many years have you lived in your home?
  Less than 1 1-5 6-10 More than 10  

5) How Many people live in your home?
  In Total:        
  Under 18:        
  Over 65:        

6) Based on the experience of living in your home, please rank the following six aspects of house design in the order of importance that you place on them.

1 (
least important to you) to 6 (most important to you)

You should use each value only once.

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Comfortable indoor environment
Good level of natural light
Large rooms and suitable layout
Well equipped kitchen / bathroom
Lower than average fuel bills
Good sized garden / outdoor space

Are there any other design aspects of your home that are especially important to you?
characters available

7) What do you think are the most important design aspects lacking from your home?
characters available

8) What activities do you do regularly in the following rooms in your house?

You should tick as many activities that apply for each room.

You should tick "Do not have" only if your house does not have that type of room.

  Work Eat Relax Socialise To be alone Do not have
Living room
2nd Living room
Kitchen dining area
Seperate dining area

9) Based on the experience of living in your home, please rank the following six aspects of house design in the order you think they will be of concern to you as you get older.

1 (
least important to you) to 6 (most important to you)

You should use each value only once.

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Lack of space for a growing family
Feeling safe from crime
Rising cost of heating bills
Mobility about the house (e.g. stairs)
Difficulty in using home appliances
Lack of support in the community

10) Imagine that you have just spent a considerable amount of money on a piece of equipment that will save you money on your fuel bills and reduce your impact on the environment. How many years would you be happy to wait until the total money you save equalled the price you initially paid for the equipment?
  Less than 5 5-9 years 10-19 years 20 or more  

11) Would the fact that you are helping the environment make you less concerned about how fast you recover the initial cost of the equipment?
  Yes very much so Yes a fair bit Yes a little bit No not at all  


Thank You

That completes our survey.
Thank you once again for your time.

Now click 'Submit' to send it to us