Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Top 10 Vitiligo Treatment Uncertainties

  1. How effective are systemic immunosuppressants in treating vitiligo?
  2. How much do psychological interventions help people with vitiligo?
  3. Which treatment is more effective for vitiligo: light therapy or calcineurin inhibitors (e.g. tacrolimus, pimecrolimus)?
  4. How effective is UVB light therapy when combined with creams or ointments in treating vitiligo?
  5. What role might gene therapy play in the treatment of vitiligo?
  6. How effective are hormones or hormone related substances that stimulate pigment cells (MSH analogues, afamelanotide) in treating vitiligo?
  7. Which treatment is more effective for vitiligo: calcineurin inhibitors or steroid creams/ointments?
  8. Which treatment is more effective for vitiligo: steroid creams/ointments or light therapy?
  9. How effective is the addition of psychological interventions to patients using cosmetic camouflage for improving their quality of life?
  10. How effective is pseudocatalase cream (combined with brief exposure to UVB light) in treating vitiligo?

In addition, two treatment uncertainties were suggested as “ones to watch”, as these interventions were still in an early investigative stage.

  1. How effective is piperine (black pepper) cream in treating vitiligo?
  2. What role might stem cell therapy play in treating vitiligo?

Vitiligo PSP workshop 1

Vitiligo PSP workshop 2

Vitiligo PSP workshop 3 



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Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk