Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery



We are pleased to announce that HandSRev, our mapping of systematic reviews by topic in hand surgery, is now available on the website of the Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery:


For each topic there is a list of systematic reviews (most recent first), with the titles providing a link for each article, usually leading to the PubMed abstract.

The systematic reviews in HandSRev are found by comprehensive, systematic searches of PubMed and NICE Evidence search, which are carried out each month for Hand Surgery Evidence Updates. The systematic reviews in the mapping are those published from 2011 onwards, but the most recent versions of all relevant Cochrane Reviews are included, even if they were published before 2011.

Do make HandSRev your first port of call when looking for the best quality evidence in hand surgery, and please give us your feedback.

Posted on Monday 10th July 2017

Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

The University of Nottingham
C Floor, West Block, QMC
Nottingham, NG7 2UH
