Middle School Questionnaire
This questionnaire forms part of my PhD research into the advantages and disadvantages of schools catering for different age ranges with particular focus on the differences between the two-tier and three-tier schooling systems. If you would like to know more about this research, please click here to view an information sheet.

This questionnaire is intended for middle school staff (except those within Dorset LEA*) but is also appropriate for other interested stakeholders such as educationists and former middle school staff. Please complete the following questions and click 'next' at the bottom of each page (if you cannot see the 'next' button, please scroll down). If you need to go back to a previous page, please use the 'back' button at the bottom of the page and not the back button on your web browser.

The responses you provide will be treated in confidence and used solely for the work of this investigation.
The questionnaire is anonymous and any potentially identifying information you provide in your responses will not be included in any reports or summaries produced as a result of this research. All data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Thank you very much for your assistance,

Kathy Seymour

PhD Researcher
School of Education
University of Nottingham

Email: ttxks3@nottingham.ac.uk
*If you are a teacher or headteacher in a school within Dorset LEA, your area will be the focus of my PhD fieldwork and you should receive a questionnaire pack in the post shortly, or you can complete your Dorset-specific questionnaire online by clicking here].
Please click 'next' to begin the survey
Section A: About you
Section B: Child development and the age range of schools
Q5a.At what age do you think children are generally ready to be taught...
Q8a.Do you think children aged 9-13 are more likely to experience the following in the two-tier schooling system (with transfer to secondary school at age 11), or in the three-tier system (with middle schools)?
Section C: The two-tier and three-tier schooling systems
Q9.Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the two-tier schooling system involving 11+ secondary schools and the three-tier schooling system involving 9-13 middle schools:
Further information about this research
Thank you for completing this questionnaire,
your assistance with this research is much appreciated.

Please click 'submit' to send your responses.

Normal version

Created by KeyPoint survey software