06/01/2009 STAGES Data Release contact: Boris.Hauessler [at] nottingham.ac.uk 1. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGES (Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey) is a large area (~0.5x0.5 degree) survey of the Abell 901(a,b)/902 multiple-cluster system at z=0.165. An 80-tile imaging mosaic in F606W was conducted in Cycle 13 under GO program 10395 (PI: Gray). This README documents the data products available for simulations of GALFIT profile fitting conducted on STAGES-like mock data. Comparison of input vs. recovered GALFIT parameters give realistic errors for the profile fitting data contained in the STAGES master catalogue. The completeness catalogues are available at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/astronomy/stages/astro_data.html/#GALFIT For all details regarding the survey construction, data reduction, and catalogue creation see: M. Gray et al. "STAGES: The Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey" MNRAS, 2008 (accepted) To download the associated STAGES master catalogue (including SExtractor and GALFIT parameters; COMBO-17 photometry, photometric redshifts and stellar masses; and UV and 24 micron derived star formation rates) or additional multiwavelength data, visit the STAGES homepage: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/astronomy/stages/astro_data.html 2. SIMULATION CATALOGUE: Simulations_results_small.fits.gz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This catalogue contains results from STAGES completeness and fitting reliability tests carried out up until Dez 26 2009. This smaller catalogue is suitable for people with little memory (< 4GB) and contains a subset of the big catalogue (sets 91-100). If you have sufficient memory (>= 16 GB) in your computer, please use the complete catalogue. In total, this catalogue contains 1,070,119 objects with different Sersic indices, from which the user may draw an appropriate sample to match observations. Out of these objects, 557.585 were successfully fit, 44,811 ran into fitting constraints during the fit, for 27 the fit crashed and 467,696 were not successfully recovered from the images The catalogue file Simulations_results_small.fits.gz contains both simulation and GALAPAGOS parameters (SExtractor and GALFIT and others). The format is the following (as this is just an example, numbers here are not neccessarily correct): RA_SIM DOUBLE 149.26217 simulated position RA DEC_SIM DOUBLE -10.087569 simulated position DEC MAG_SIM FLOAT 26.2377 simulated magnitude RE_SIM FLOAT 1.50133 simulated re N_SIM FLOAT 1.34368 simulated sersic index Q_SIM FLOAT 0.431961 simulated axis ratio PA_SIM FLOAT -32.3327 simulated position angle(0 is north, counted counter-clockwise) NUMBER INT 448 object number in the (individual image) SExtractor catalogue X_IMAGE DOUBLE 1482.5350 SExtractor X_IMAGE, x-position in frame Y_IMAGE DOUBLE 2261.9090 SExtractor Y_IMAGE, y-position in frame CXX_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.31184822 SExtractor CXX_IMAGE CYY_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.43231526 SExtractor CYY_IMAGE CXY_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.29984486 SExtractor CXY_IMAGE THETA_IMAGE DOUBLE -34.100000 SExtractor THETA_IMAGE THETA_WORLD DOUBLE -89.068628 SExtractor THETA_WORLD ELLIPTICITY DOUBLE 0.37200000 SExtractor ELLIPTICITY KRON_RADIUS DOUBLE 4.5400000 SExtractor KRON_RADIUS A_IMAGE DOUBLE 2.1800000 SExtractor A_IMAGE B_IMAGE DOUBLE 1.3690000 SExtractor B_IMAGE ALPHA_J2000 DOUBLE 149.26216 SExtractor ALPHA_J2000 DELTA_J2000 DOUBLE -10.087569 SExtractor DELTA_J2000 BACKGROUND DOUBLE 33.640280 SExtractor BACKGROUND FLUX_BEST DOUBLE 698.37220 SExtractor FLUX_BEST FLUXERR_BEST DOUBLE 48.577510 SExtractor FLUXERR_BEST, error estimation of FLUX_BEST MAG_BEST DOUBLE 26.499600 SExtractor MAG_BEST MAGERR_BEST DOUBLE 0.075500000 SExtractor MAGERR_BEST, error estimation of MAG_BEST FLUX_RADIUS DOUBLE 2.3310000 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS ISOAREA_IMAGE DOUBLE 46.000000 SExtractor ISOAREA_IMAGE FWHM_IMAGE DOUBLE 5.6300000 SExtractor FWHM_IMAGE FLAGS INT 0 SExtractor FLAGS CLASS_STAR DOUBLE 0.79000000 SExtractor CLASS_STAR ORG_IMAGE STRING '/cosmos1/bhaeussl/Simulations/Other/save/STAGES_sim_set_1_a90'... GALAPAGOS input frame including full image path! FILE_GALFIT STRING '/cosmos1/bhaeussl/STAGES_completeness/Set1/tile51/s01_51.v_gf'... GALAPAGOS postage stamp frame including full image path! X_GALFIT FLOAT 28.3822 GALFIT position X (in respect to the postage stamp!) XERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.101500 GALFIT uncertainty in position X Y_GALFIT FLOAT 26.9288 GALFIT position Y (in respect to the postage stamp!) YERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.0923000 GALFIT uncertainty in position Y MAG_GALFIT FLOAT 26.1491 GALFIT magnitude MAGERR_GALFIT FLOAT 1.34830 GALFIT uncertainty in magnitude RE_GALFIT FLOAT 2.20200 GALFIT halflight-radius re REERR_GALFIT FLOAT 2.16110 GALFIT uncertainty in re N_GALFIT FLOAT 0.200000 GALFIT sersic index n NERR_GALFIT FLOAT 1.30240 GALFIT uncertainty in n Q_GALFIT FLOAT 0.0830000 GALFIT axis ratio AR QERR_GALFIT FLOAT 1.44230 GALFIT uncertainty in AR PA_GALFIT FLOAT 54.1797 GALFIT position angle PAERR_GALFIT FLOAT 11.0305 GALFIT uncertainty in PA SKY_GALFIT FLOAT 33.6470 GALFIT sky as determined by GALAPAGOS, used in GALFIT FLAG STRING 'constraint' flag for GALFIT, can be: 'constr' (ran into constraints during the fit) 'missed' (not detected at all by SExtractor) 'fitted' (was fitted succesfully without running into constraints) 'bombed' (the fit crashed) SIM_SET STRING 'Set1 ' the simulated SET of STAGES images SIMSURF FLOAT 20.5898 surface brightness of the objects in respect to SIMULATION parameters FITSURF FLOAT 19.5419 surface brightness of the objects in respect to FITTING parameters NEIGHBOUR FLOAT 450.000 the SExtractor number of the next (detected) neighbor (see NUMBER above) NEIGHBOUR_TILE FLOAT 51.0000 the TILE in which this neighbour is located (for identification) NEIGHBOUR_DIST FLOAT 1.30811 the distance to the next neighbour [arcsec] NEIGHBOUR_MAG_SIM FLOAT 25.1396 the simulated magnitude of the next neighbour 3. "GHOST" CATALOGUE: Simulations_results_ghosts_small.fits.gz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This catalogue contains results from STAGES completeness and fitting reliability tests carried out up until Dec 26 2009. Again, this is a subset (sets 91-100) of the complete catalogue. In total, the catalogue contains 7366 objects which were found during tests and COULD NOT BE IDENTIFIED in the simulated objects (presumably because they have very close neighbors which affects the SExtractor position used for identification or they are LSB galaxies, where the CENTER is an unsafe measurement). The catalogue file Simulations_results_ghosts_small.fits.gz contains all GALAPAGOS parameters (SExtractor and GALFIT) and a few others. The format is the following (as this is just an example, numbers here are not neccessarily correct): NUMBER INT 558 object number in the (individual image) SExtractor catalogue X_IMAGE DOUBLE 5325.5260 SExtractor X_IMAGE, x-position in frame Y_IMAGE DOUBLE 3599.8440 SExtractor Y_IMAGE, y-position in frame CXX_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.15024139 SExtractor CXX_IMAGE CYY_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.063180745 SExtractor CYY_IMAGE CXY_IMAGE DOUBLE 0.12026635 SExtractor CXY_IMAGE THETA_IMAGE DOUBLE -63.000000 SExtractor THETA_IMAGE THETA_WORLD DOUBLE 62.027313 SExtractor THETA_WORLD ELLIPTICITY DOUBLE 0.57600000 SExtractor ELLIPTICITY KRON_RADIUS DOUBLE 7.8000000 SExtractor KRON_RADIUS A_IMAGE DOUBLE 5.5490000 SExtractor A_IMAGE B_IMAGE DOUBLE 2.3510000 SExtractor B_IMAGE ALPHA_J2000 DOUBLE 148.85003 SExtractor ALPHA_J2000 DELTA_J2000 DOUBLE -10.219394 SExtractor DELTA_J2000 BACKGROUND DOUBLE 33.956830 SExtractor BACKGROUND FLUX_BEST DOUBLE 2476.1310 SExtractor FLUX_BEST FLUXERR_BEST DOUBLE 158.69580 SExtractor FLUXERR_BEST, error estimation of FLUX_BEST MAG_BEST DOUBLE 25.125400 SExtractor MAG_BEST MAGERR_BEST DOUBLE 0.069600000 SExtractor MAGERR_BEST, error estimation of MAG_BEST FLUX_RADIUS DOUBLE 11.444000 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS ISOAREA_IMAGE DOUBLE 74.000000 SExtractor ISOAREA_IMAGE FWHM_IMAGE DOUBLE 21.670000 SExtractor FWHM_IMAGE FLAGS INT 0 SExtractor FLAGS CLASS_STAR DOUBLE 0.0000000 SExtractor CLASS_STAR ORG_IMAGE STRING '/cosmos1/bhaeussl/Simulations/Other/save/STAGES_sim_set_1_a901-01'... GALAPAGOS input frame including full image path! FILE_GALFIT STRING '/cosmos1/bhaeussl/STAGES_completeness/Set1/tile01/s01_01.v_gf558.'... GALAPAGOS postage stamp including full image path! X_GALFIT FLOAT 86.3975 GALFIT position X (in respect to the postage stamp!) XERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.791700 GALFIT uncertainty in position X Y_GALFIT FLOAT 112.927 GALFIT position Y (in respect to the postage stamp!) YERR_GALFIT FLOAT 1.80560 GALFIT uncertainty in position Y MAG_GALFIT FLOAT 26.4504 GALFIT magnitude MAGERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.163700 GALFIT uncertainty in magnitude RE_GALFIT FLOAT 11.0546 GALFIT halflight-radius re REERR_GALFIT FLOAT 1.64820 GALFIT uncertainty in re N_GALFIT FLOAT 0.200000 GALFIT sersic index n NERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.205300 GALFIT uncertainty in n Q_GALFIT FLOAT 0.445100 GALFIT axis ratio AR QERR_GALFIT FLOAT 0.0727000 GALFIT uncertainty in AR PA_GALFIT FLOAT 13.7072 GALFIT position angle PAERR_GALFIT FLOAT 8.47570 GALFIT uncertainty in PA SKY_GALFIT FLOAT 33.6940 GALFIT sky as determined by GALAPAGOS, used in GALFIT NEIGHBOR INT 1 number of other galaxies within 1 arcsec in the results (miss-identified?, part of that?) SIM_SET STRING 'Set1 ' the simulated SET of STAGES images FITSURF FLOAT 25.1703 surface brightness of the objects in respect to FITTING para,eters ---------------------------------- end