Business School Alumni


Who is John Galt?

08 August 2014

Question: What do you do if you're an enterprising business school graduate returning to your home country only to discover that good quality marketing research services serving the needs of small and medium entreprises are extremely limited.

Answer: Start your own innovative new company and give it an intriguing name to attract interest.

Frustrated by the lack of marketing career opportunities in his native Russia, Nottingham University Business School alumnus Genrikh Lukyanchuk, decided to set up his own business specialising in providing marketing research services for SME's in Russia and Western Europe.

Genrikh explained: "Having graduated with distinction from Nottingham University I was looking forward to starting my career in marketing, but was completely dissapointed when I discovered the quality of this service offered in Russia for SMEs. That was the main reason I started the business myself."

But it wasn't all plain sailing: "Starting the business was really tough as it required lots of time and we've collided with enormous red tape. However, we've managed to oficially register it in Moscow and are now looking forward to attracting new clients and building our brand."

We asked what was unique about the John Galt company? Genrikh enthused: "Our employees are graduates of prestigious world univesities for one. Their skills and knowledge help us to always offer high quality services. We believe that our SME clients are often the main innovation and competition drivers in many economic sectors worldwide and the output of our research provides a sound basis for the development of their marketing and business strategies. Using multiple financial, marketing, trading, and statistical databases from all over the globe combined with the latest theoretical methods and research models means that we can always deliver cutting-edge service for our customers."

As for the unusual name......your guess is as good as ours, but it undoubtedly catches the eye! We wish Genrikh and the John Galt company every success.

Posted on Monday 18th January 2016




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