

Off Campus Accommodation 


Park Plaza Hotel Nottingham

Maid Marion Way, Nottingham City Centre, 5 min walk to nearest Tram stop

Average £96 per night* 

Premier Inn Nottingham City Centre (Chapel Bar)

Located in the city Centre, 5 min walk to nearest Tram stop 

Average £69 per night* 


St James Hotel, Nottingham City Centre

Located In the City Centre near to Nottingham Castle, 5 min walk to nearest tram stop. 

Average £85 per night* 

Travelodge Nottingham Wollaton Park   

This hotel is outside the city centre, but close to the University. 

Average £60 per night* 

*All hotel nightly prices are an estimate and may vary depending on when the booking is made.  These prices were estimated at more than 9 months prior to arrival. 

University Park Campus Travel Information 

NET - Nottingham Express Transit 

ICDVRAT Conference

University of Nottingham
Teaching and Learning Building
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
