The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Over £3,000 raised during Chinese New Year celebrations at Lakeside for NBCRC

gala group pic 2019-2


Nottingham Confucius Institute is proud to announce a total of £3,115 raised during two days of Chinese New Year celebration events for Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre (NBCRC). The celebrations began with a free drop in arts and crafts session delivered by NCI teachers and student volunteers at the Angear Visitor Centre between 12:00-14:00 on Saturday Feb 9. It was followed by three gala shows at the Djanogly Theatre on both Feb 9 and 10, featuring the performance team of the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine and a number of local artists.

The galas were organised by Nottingham Confucius Institute in partnership with Lakeside Arts, the University’s Asia Business Centre and Hino Travel. The theatre was fully packed every time –in fact, all tickets were sold out two weeks in advance. The audience witnessed an amazing display of fresh and fascinating performances by professional artists, including Chinese Erhu, Guzheng and Bamboo Flute music, Huang Mei Opera, folk dance and spectacular group-coordinated Kung Fu routines. It was a wonderfully entertaining combination of different styles across dance, music and martial arts, successfully bringing the depth and diversity of old and new China to life: the perfect way to greet the Year of the Pig.

The shows rang with waves of applause throughout each of their 90 minute runs. Many in the audience shared the view that the show was breath-taking and expressed their wish for more next year!

Once again we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the performers, staff at NCI and Lakeside and all student volunteers for their hard work. A big thank you also goes out to the wonderful audience for their support and generosity. Every penny to NBCRC is hugely appreciated and will help make a difference to the lives of a great many women and their families.



文/吴昊      图/诺丁汉大学孔子学院




《舞狮》正式拉开春晚的序幕。随后,由诺丁汉亚洲交流部主任、诺丁汉大学孔子学院英方院长杰森菲力(Jason Feehily)致欢迎辞,杰森欢迎大家参加春晚,希望中英交流越来越好。二胡《北京一夜》演奏开始了节日的狂欢。

中国古典乐器二胡、竹笛、古筝、扬琴、琵琶;舞蹈、武术、戏曲、等精彩节目轮番上演:《月狐吟》在蒙古族雄浑的鼓点中,展示了森林中美丽的“狐狸”;《单人太极》在古筝的伴奏下表演者展示了太极柔中带刚的精髓。《棍术》、《功夫扇》、《盾牌刀和舞旗》让现场感受到了中国武术的多种形式 ,赢得满堂喝彩。



Posted on Tuesday 12th February 2019

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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