Looking after yourself during the winter break

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This can be a difficult time of year for many people for a variety of reasons. Whatever the festive season means to you, it’s important to make time for self-care. Here are some useful tips to help you look after yourself during the winter break.

Student Minds Resources

Student Minds Student SpaceLots of tips to support you during coronavirus

Given the uncertainty of the pandemic, you may be concerned about what might happen during the winter break. Student Space has developed a range of articles to help you think about, plan for and manage the end of term. Check them out here. 


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Here are some tips from the University Counselling service on how to be ok over the break….

Don’t believe the HYPE!

There is so much around indicating that everyone is apparently having an amazing time but this cannot be true as we know that lots and lots of people are struggling and feeling lonely too.  When you catch yourself thinking about everyone else in these terms then check in with yourself and remember ‘Don’t believe the hype…



Step Outside

Breathe in and take in your surroundings…

Just that.  It doesn’t resolve everything but connecting with your surroundings can be very grounding and even soothing.  Whether you step into an urban landscape or the different areas on campus.  There is always something new to notice by looking where you wouldn’t normally look or stopping and just taking a moment to take stock.


Be kind to yourself

Try not to engage in critical or punishing self-talk. It is so easy to slip into this and it becomes your default.  This could be the time to develop a different tone to your self-talk – or at least to notice it and perhaps decide not to engage with thoughts in which you are being critical of yourself. Perhaps you could treat yourself to something nice during the break – this doesn’t have to be material – it might be a good experience such as a plan for a cosy evening….


Have a conversation

If possible have a conversation with someone everyday – preferably a call or in person although if that isn’t an option then online is also helpful.

Speaking to another person can make such a difference – just the fact of it:  it doesn’t have to be a call where you offload or say how you are feeling as it can be enough to engage with another person and chat.


 Useful self-help resources

Health and Wellbeing information

HealthyU is here to provide information and advice on a range of health issues important to students.

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