This page shows the staff for the University of Nottingham's School of English in the UK. Please see here for the School of Education and English in China and the School of English in Malaysia.

Susan Kilby
Engagement Fellow,
Susan is a medieval historian interested in the complexity of peasants' relationships with local landscape, ranging from their economic interests through to more culturally informed ideas, including conceptual notions of the landscape adopted by different community groups, the survival of cultural memory, and the landscape as a repository for local cultural capital. She is especially concerned with disentangling peasants' views of their local environment from those of elites, which have tended to prevail within the historical record. Contemporary place-names form a key part of the evidence for understanding medieval attitudes toward local landscapes, and Susan loves nothing more than getting stuck in to a nice set of medieval field-names.
Expertise Summary
Later medieval manorial documents and charters. Later medieval palaeography. I am principally interested in the medieval rural environment, and in peasants' relationship with the landscape. My work is predominantly inter-disciplinary.