Use Case Specification - Search for Courses

Name of Use Case: Search for Courses

Project: e-Portfolio for Lifelong Learning Reference Model

AuthorAlan Paull
Creation Date14 June 2006
Last Update Date17 July 2006
VersionDraft 0.2
Diagram     Use Case diagram

The Actor (learner) searches for HE courses using a course discovery service. The Course Information System returns data that identifies the courses meeting the learner’s search criteria.


This use case starts when the learner elects to search for HE courses using the e-Portfolio enabled course discovery service.

She calls up a course discovery search page, enters the criteria for her search and the Course Information System returns the search results.

This use case ends when the learner ends a session of searching for courses.

PreconditionsCourse Information System is e-Portfolio enabled.
Location of Course Information System is known and accessible.
Match between search criteria provided by ePortfolio Engine and required by Course Information System.
Successful end conditionCourse list viewable on screen. No storage required.
Failed end conditionNo search results.
Primary ActorsLearner
Secondary ActorsNone
TriggerLearner elects to search for HE courses.
Included Use CasesGet Course Information

Main Flow

Learnere-Portfolio EngineCourse Information System
1. Selects course discovery service.2. Connects to Course Information System.3. Displays search template.4. Prompts for search criteria.5. Supplies search criteria.include :: Get Course Information6. Displays search results.7. This use case ends when the learner views the search results.

Branching Action

Learnere-Portfolio EngineCourse Information System
6.1 No search results. Displays error message.6.2 This use case ends when the learner views the error message.