FutForm - A RISE Project

FutForm - The Project Partners
The FutForm Objective
The principal objective of FutForm is to translate the advanced analytical approaches developed within the School of Pharmacy (UoN), so that they become embedded into industrial practice for the development of future pharmaceutical processes and therapies.
This will be achieved through a collaborative programme of researcher secondments with three small-medium enterprise (SME) companies, each with early stage innovative technologies in areas of importance to the future pharmaceutical industry.
The FutForm Team
The FutForm Project Management Team met in April2016 to kick-off this exciting project.

Left to right: Joe Dawson (Project Manager - UoN); Chris Cardinaels (CEO - Hy2Care); Bruno Sarmento (Research Associate - Inovapotek); Sandra Winfield (Project Coordinator - European Funding - UoN); Giulio Ghersi (CEO - Abiel); Jonathan Aylott (Knowledge Sharing Chair - UoN); Stephanie Allen (Project Lead - UoN); Giulia Passanisi (Product Manager - Abiel).
Find out more about the the Project Partners:
RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) funds short-term exchanges for staff to develop careers combining scientific excellence with exposure to other countries and sectors. RISE enables more interaction between academia and non-academic organisations within Europe and worldwide.
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, named after the double Nobel Prize winning Polish-French scientist famed for her work on radioactivity, support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, are eligible for funding.
The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.