Sergio Arboleda Pombo (G de Sersa)


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1822  -  Popayán  -  Not applicable  -  He was born on 11 October 1822.
1851  -  Pasto  -  Unknown  -  He was a soldier in the 1851 Pasto campaign.
1888  -  Popayán  -  Unknown  -  He died on 18 June 1888.


Arboleda family
Newspaper, Semanario (Colombia)
Newspaper, Voz Nacional (Colombia)
Writers (men)

A journalist, historian, critic, essayist, born in Popayán on 11 October 1822, with Spanish, Portuguese and Irish blood. He was educated at home by his mother, Matilde Pombo y O’Donnell. He became an infantry soldier during the 1840-41 civil war, and in 1851 accompanied his brother Julio on the Pasto campaign. He wrote for the newspapers El Payanés, El Clamor, El Ciudadano, El Seminario, El Misóforo, La Voz de Unión, El cívico, El Conservador, El Intérprete, La Voz Nacional, El Federalista, El Tradicionalista, El Porvenir, El Mercurio, Los Principios, and La República. Ardila lists his most important work as his essay “Las Ciencias, Las Letras y las Bellas Artes en Colombia. He died on 11 June 1888. (Ardila, 51-54)

The brother of Julio Arboleda Pombo.

He used pseudonym G. de Sersa.


Ardila A, Hector M. (1984) Hombres y letras de Colombia