María Josefa Zozaya

Other names: The Maid of Monterrey


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1846  -  Monterrey  -  Unknown  -  She was killed at the battle of Monterrey.


Women killed or injured in battle
Women, subject of paintings/ songs/true or fictionalised stories

She was killed in the battle of Monterrey in 1846 while tending to the wounded soldiers of both armies. She is described as the “beau-ideal of heroism” and the “Heroine Martyr of Monterey”. The Reverend James Gilborne Lyons wrote a poem about her in 1849:

“Far greater than the wise or brave,
Far happier than the fair and gay,
Was she, who found a martyr’s grave
On that red field of Monterey”. (Johannsen, 137.)

An anonymous American soldier described the following: “Hungry and cold I crept to one corner of the fort to get in the sunshine and at the same time shelter from the bombs that were flying thick around me. I looked out, and, some two or three hundred yards from the fort, I saw a Mexican female carrying water and food to the wounded men of both armies. I saw her lift the head of one poor fellow, give him water, and then take the handkerchief from her own head and bind up his wounds; attending one or two others in the same way, she went back for more food and water. As she was returning I heard the crack of one or two guns, and she, poor good creature, fell; after a few struggles all was still – she was dead! I turned my eyes to heaven and thought, ‘Oh God, and this is war!’ I cannot believe but that the shot was an accidental one. The next day, passing into another fort, I passed her dead body. It was lying on its back, with the bread and broken gourd containing a few drops of water. We buried her amid showers of grape and round shot, occasionally dodging a shell or twelve pounder, and expecting every moment to have another grave to dig for one of ourselves.” (Winston Smith, 90.)


Smith, George Winston and Judah, Charles (editor). (1968) Chronicles of the Gringos: The U.S. Army in the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Accounts of Eyewitnesses and Combatants
Johannsen, Robert W. (1985) To the Halls of the Montezumas: The Mexican War in the American Imagination