Dr. José de Arriz


Ethnic origen: White


1748  -  Lima  -  Not applicable  -  He was born and based in Lima.
1791-1793  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He subscribed to El Mercurio Peruano from 1791-93.
1822  -  Peru  -  Unknown  -  Died


Editors newspapers and magazines
Newspaper, Mercurio (Chile)
Newspaper, Mercurio Peruano
Society 'Amantes del País' (Peru)
Writers (men)

Born in 1748, he studied at the Colegio de San Pablo and San Martín, Lima. In 1764 he became Doctor of Theology in the University of San Marcos and was Asesor del Cabildo de Lima in 1770. He was a member of the Sociedad Amantes del País and editor of Mercurio Peruano.

His work includes Pruebas literarias del mérito (in opposition to the Cátedra de Códico), 1785; Elogio del Exc. Señor Ambrosio O’Higgins, Marqués de Osorno, Virrey del Perú, (1780). He also wrote a renowned speech in favour of independence in the Cabildo de Perú, 1821, at the end of which he pronounced Peru independent, not only of Spain, but any other foreign nation. He died in 1822. (de Valle, 33)

He was Catedrático de Maestro de las Sentencias at San Marcos University in 1769. In 1770 he was Asesor de Cabildo, and in 1785, catedrático de Códico. From 1777 to independence he was Agente Fiscal de la Aud., obtaining title of honorary Oidor in 1790. He subscribed to El Mercurio Peruano from 1791-93. He was in favour of independence and became a member of the Alta Cámera de Justicia in 1821. (Clément, 98)


Clément, Jean-Pierre (1979) Indices del Mercurio Peruano, 1790-1795
Romero de Valle, Emilia (1966) Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines