Agustín Gamarra


Ethnic origen: White


1785  -  Cuzco  -  Not applicable  -  He was born 27 August 1785.
1825  -  Cuzco  -  Unknown  -  He married Francisca Zubiaga y Bernales.
1826-1829  -  Cuzco  -  Unknown  -  He was sub-prefect of Cuzco from 1826-1829.
1829-1833  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He was President of Peru from 1829-33
1839-1840  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He was President of Peru from 1839-40.
1841  -  La Paz  -  Unknown  -  He was killed in the Battle of Ingavi during the Peruvian invasion of Bolivia.


Conservatives (Peru)
Gamarra supporters

1834 - Carta a Francisca Zubiaga

Born in 1785, he was a conservative who had a paternal attitude towards Indians. (Walker, 9)

He married Francisca Zubiaga y Bernales in 1825. He was Sub-Prefect of Cuzco from 1826-29 and President of Peru from 1829-33 and 1839-40. (Walker, 10)

In 1828 he invaded Bolivia without orders from Lima. (Basadre, 158)

A letter from Gamarra to Francisca Zubiaga, Tacna, 13 de mayo de 1834 is reproduced. (Tauro, 257).

He died in 1841 during an invasion of Bolivia.


Urbano, Enrique (editor). (1992) Tradición y modernidad en los Andes
Basadre, Jorge (1929) La Iniciación de la República
Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire and Owen, Hilary (2006) South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text
Tauro, Alberto (1952) Gran Mariscal Agustín Gamarra, Epistolario