Justo Sierra O'Reilly


Ethnic origen: White


1814  -  Yucatán  -  Not applicable  -  Born in September in the town of Tixcacaltuyú, Yucatán
1840  -  Yucatán  -  Unknown  -  He published literary work here in the 1840s.
1841  -  Yucatán  -  Unknown  -  He published Un año en el Hospital de San Lázaro in a Yucatán literary journal.


Writers (men)

A lawyer, author, born in 1814, he wrote Mexico's civil code.

In 1841 he wrote Un año en el Hospital de San Lázaro, a novel that was published in a Yucatán literary journal. He also wrote a historical novel, La hija del Judío, the story of a girl adopted by a Yucatán mayor in 1666. When she came of age, a priest revealed her father was Jewish. This secret revealed, the girl's adopted father and her novio quite rightly decided that it made no difference to their love for her. He died in 1861. (Coaster, 352-353)


Coester, Alfred (1919) The Literary History of Spanish America