Hilario Ascásubi


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1807  -  Buenos Aires  -  Not applicable  -  He was born on January 14
1832?  -  Montevideo  -  Unknown  -  He went into exile here.
1872  -  Paris  -  Unknown  -  He visisted Paris
1875  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  He died on November 17, 1875.


Argentine exiles in Uruguay
Rosas opponents
Writers (men)

Born in Buenos Aires in 1807, he became a soldier and was imprisoned by Rosas for two years. He escaped after hearing that his execution had been ordered. He went to Montevideo where he wrote patriotic poems. He died in 1875. (Coaster, 137)

Related to Francisco Javier Ascásubi?


Coester, Alfred (1919) The Literary History of Spanish America