Francisco José de Caldas


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1771  -  Popayán  -  Not applicable  -  He was born on 4 October 1771 in Popayán.
1791-1816?  -  Bogotá  -  Patriot  -  He lived here as an adult.
1816  -  Bogotá  -  Patriot  -  He was executed in Bogotá on 29 October 1816.


Editors newspapers and magazines
Enlightenment ideas
Independence Army (Venezuela, New Granada)
Nariño group
Newspaper, Diario Político de Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia)
Tertulia, Buen Gusto
Tertulia, Torres
Writers (men)

181 - Short citation of a letter he wrote to his wife on learning of his forthcoming execution. .....

He was born in Popayán on 4 October 1771. A chronicler of Independence who founded the magazine Semanario del Nuevo Reino de Granada and edited El Diario Político de Santafé de Bogotá. Antonio Nariño named him capitán de Ingenieros Cosmógraficos. He was executed in Santa Fe de Bogotá in 1816. (Ardila, 18)

He is described by Lynch as a scholar and patriot, leader of the New Granadian Enlightenment. (Lynch, xiv)

He attended the tertulias de Buen Gusto in Bogotá. (Díaz y Díaz, 108, Monsalve, 24)

He was hung for his pro-independence activities by Morillo. (Monsalve, 24, 171-172)

He attended the pro-independence meetings at Camilo Torres's home. (Monsalve, 36)

On 31 March 1816, on learning he was to be executed, he wrote to his wife, María Manuela Barahona about the duty of women in the home (extract below). (Londoño, 305-306)

He died 29 October 1816.

Related to Baltasas Caldas de Wallace.


Velásquez Toro, Magdala; Reyes Cárdenas, Catalina; Rodríguez Jiménez, Pablo (editor). (1995) Las mujeres en la historia de Colombia
Ardila A, Hector M. (1984) Hombres y letras de Colombia
Díaz y Díaz, Oswaldo (1962) Los Almeydas: Episodios de la resistencia patriota contra el ejército pacificador de tierra firme
Lynch, John (1986) The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826
Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia