José Eusebio Caro Ibáñez


Ethnic origen: White


1817  -  Ocaña  -  Not applicable  -  He was born on 5 March 1817.
1836  -  Colombia  -  Unknown  -  He co-founded the literary journal La Estrella Nacional.
1838  -  Colombia  -  Unknown  -  He proposed universal suffrage.
1853  -  Santa Marta  -  Unknown  -  He died on 28 January 1853.


Caro Family
Editors newspapers and magazines
Ibáñez family (Bogotá)
Newspaper, Granadino (Colombia)
Writers (men)

Born 5 March 1817, Ocaña, the son of Antonio José Caro and Nicolasa Ibáñez, he was a polemicist, critic, poet and journalist.

He edited El Granadino and contributed to others. Married Blasina Tovar (1819-1910). He was taught by his paternal grandfather, but learned French from his father when he looked after him from 1828-30. He proposed universal suffrage in El Amigo del Pueblo (1838-39). He died on 28 January 1853. (Ardila, 32-48)

He founded the literary journal, La Estrella Nacional in 1836. His poems reveal his puritanical nature. (Coester, 275)


Ardila A, Hector M. (1984) Hombres y letras de Colombia
Coester, Alfred (1919) The Literary History of Spanish America
Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia