Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez

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Other names: Patricio Leal, Inspector Ingenuo


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1756  -  Cuba  -  Not applicable  -  He was born in Cuba, 1756.
1791  -  Bogotá  -  Unknown  -  He founded the Periodico de Santa Fé de Bogotá on 9 February 1791.
1819  -  Bogotá  -  Unknown  -  He died 2 June 1819, Santafé.


Editors newspapers and magazines
Hosted independence meetings
Hosted tertulias (men)
Newspaper, Periodico de Santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia)
Tertulia, Eutropélica
Writers (men)

Born in Cuba, in 1756, he became Padre de periodismo colombiano. He founded the newspaper Periodico de Santa Fé de Bogotá on 9 February 1791. (Sánchez López, 652.)

He founded the cultural tertulia Eutropélica, at which a lack of confidence in the Viceroy government was expressed. (Forero, 19-23)

He used the pseudonyms Patricio Leal and El Inspector Ingenuo.

He died in Bogotá on 2 June 1819.


Forero, Manuel José (1970) Grandes heroinas de Colombia, Doña Magdalena Ortega de Nariño, La Precursora
Sánchez López, Luis María (1985) Diccionario de escritores colombianos