Juana Padrón de Montilla


Ethnic origen: White


1808  -  Caracas  -  Patriot  -  She hosted pro-independence meetings in Caracas from 1808 to 1814.


Female relatives of past and future leading political/military/ cultural figures
Hosted independence meetings
Montilla family
Tertulia, Misericordia
Tertulia,, Angel Sálamo

An upper class devout woman from Caracas who possibly took part in the pro-independence plots in La Casa de Misericordia, and Angel Sálamo's house. She was the mother of generals Mariano and Tomás Montilla. Her home, not far from Bolívar's was a centre of meetings for the conspirators from 1808-1814. She died around 1814. (Monsalve, 51-53)


Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia