Carmen Quintanilla de Alvear

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Carmen Quintanilla
Carmen Quintanilla


Ethnic origen: White


1793  -  Jerez de la Frontera  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain on 25 October 1793.
1809  -  Cadiz  -  Unknown  -  She married Carlos de Alvear on 26 July 1809.
1812-1867  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She arrived in Buenos Aires on 6 March 1812 and lived here when widowed until her death in 1867.
1814-1815  -  Rio de Janeiro  -  Unknown  -  She was in exile in Rio de Janeiro from 1814 to 1815.
1822  -  Tucumán  -  Patriot  -  She offered to buy arms for the patriots here in 1822.
1825  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She was offered a position in the Sociedad de Beneficencia.
1838  -  United States of America  -  Unknown  -  Her husband was sent to the United States on diplomatic duties.
1852  -  United States of America  -  Unknown  -  Her husband died in the United States.
1867  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  She died in Buenos Aires on 31 March 1867.


Complot de los fusiles
Escalada friends
Tertulia, Escalada
Women arms to independence army
Women financial support to independence cause
Women sewed uniforms for patriots

0 - In 1812 she was among a group of women who offered to buy weapons for the patriots and ask.....

She was born in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain on 25 October 1793, daughter of María Joaquina Camacho and Antonio Sáenz de la Quintanilla, a coronel in the royalist army. On 26 July 1809 she married Carlos de Alvear in Cádiz and they moved to Buenos Aires, arriving on 6 March 1812. She was at the meeting at Tomasa Quintana de Escalada's house at which funds were collected to arm the independence troops. She contributed 2 ounces of gold. She was a witness at San Martín's wedding in 1812. In 1814 she and Alvear went into exile in Rio de Janeiro, returning in 1815, as authorised by the government. She was approached to become a member of the Sociedad de Beneficencia in 1825, but refused. In 1838 Alvear was sent for diplomatic duty in the United States, she never saw him again as he died in 1852. She died in Buenos Aires on 31 March 1867. (Carranza, 102-104; Sosa de Newton, 519-520)

In 1812 she was among a group of women who sewed uniforms for the patriot army. Several of these offered to buy weapons and they asked that their names be inscribed on them. Their accompanying note (below) was reproduced in the Gaceta Minist, in June 1812. (Mitre, Obras completas, VII, 16-17)


Carranza, Adolfo P. (1910) Patricias argentinas
Mitre, Bartolomé (1940) Obras completas de Bartolomé Mitre
Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas